
10 March 2011

I have now had 3 radiotherapy treatments and it has gone well. So far I am still on schedule to finish the 12th of April. Tomorrow I meet with my physio in re: the lymphoedema in my left arm. I have been doing exercises as well as wearing a compression sleeve and it has helped to bring the swelling down. Hopefully my physio will be happy with the progress. So I have now added more exercises to what I already had been doing since the surgery which are done 3 times a day. I am gaining more movement in my arm but still have a ways to go. I am also getting stronger everyday, but again still have a ways to go. But I am encouraged. Thank you Lord for daily strength!!


  1. Aunt Jessie, I am so glad things could get back on schedule and the treatments are going well. It is good to hear that you are gaining strength. We are ready to have you here in the states. We keep praying for you. Love Gayle

  2. hi jessie, i hope you are getting on ok with the radiotherapy and that the staff are all treating you well:) is it the CUH you are getting it at? you'll be tired from all the driving up and down as well as from the treatment. thinking of you love charis
