
05 April 2011

Only five more to go!! My radiotherapy treatments are going well and when I saw my the doctor who is overseeing my treatments she said I am doing well in regards to how my skin is handling the treatments. So she is pleased with me. God is good!!


  1. Amen! Praying for you!

    Jennifer Bowers

  2. Delighted to read this news. Did try to reach you on your phone but missed you. Continuing to remember you. Wonderful the days are going by so quickly. xx Ruth

  3. That's fantastic news Jessie. How amazing to see the end so very nearly in site. So delighted you will be all finished this time next week!!
    Praise God for his faithfulness to you over these last difficult months and for your constant trust in Him :) You really are an amazing example.
    Lots of love, Dave & Sharon
