
26 March 2011

Yesterday marked the halfway point in my radiotherapy treatments - only 12 more to go. Thankfully they have gone well for which I am grateful. I did get a bit tired toward the end of the week, but I had a good nights sleep last night so I am feeling rested today. It will be good to be back in the states for my medical leave so that I can have time to recuperate from all the chemo and radiotherapy treatments. I am looking forward to spending quality time with my family as well.


20 March 2011

This evening I took a walk along the sea on the promenade as the tide was in. I walked further than I have since last autumn which is a good indication that I am getting stronger day by day!! I love listening to the sound of the waves crashing in on the rocks and as I sat on a bench for a few minutes I reflected on the greatness of our God!! One of the songs we sang in our church service this morning was 'King of Kings, Majesty'. The chorus goes like this:

"Your majesty I can but bow.
I lay my all before you now,
in royal robes, I don't deserve,
I live to serve your majesty."


15 March 2011

While I have been sitting and waiting to go in for my radiotherapy treatment I have been reading a book by David Jeremiah entitled 'A Bend in the Road'. The author wrote it after he was diagnosed with cancer and in the book shares what the Lord has taught him through this. I have been greatly encouraged by reading this book and I want to share a comment the author made - 'God, You have allowed this in my life. I don't understand it, but I know that it couldn't have happened to me unless it was filtered through Your loving hands. So, this thing is from You".


10 March 2011

I have now had 3 radiotherapy treatments and it has gone well. So far I am still on schedule to finish the 12th of April. Tomorrow I meet with my physio in re: the lymphoedema in my left arm. I have been doing exercises as well as wearing a compression sleeve and it has helped to bring the swelling down. Hopefully my physio will be happy with the progress. So I have now added more exercises to what I already had been doing since the surgery which are done 3 times a day. I am gaining more movement in my arm but still have a ways to go. I am also getting stronger everyday, but again still have a ways to go. But I am encouraged. Thank you Lord for daily strength!!


6 March 2011

Tomorrow I begin my radiotherapy!! Thank you Lord!! I have been waiting for a date and about 1 and 1/2 weeks ago I had markings done and I was given the dates for starting and finishing (7th March - 12th April) with a 'dummy' run on the 4th of March. The day before the 'dummy' run I received a phone call saying it had been cancelled as had my starting date. I have to admit I was devastated as I had a flight booked for the states to spend Easter with my family (part of my 8 week medical leave). That night I heard from the doctor over the radiotherapy department saying my 'dummy' run was on again for the next day, but she could not say when I would be able to start my actual radiotherapy. That night as I was listening to the Praise & Worship Channel via internet from Moody Radio the first song that came on spoke of 'the author who holds the universe is holding you tonight' and 'you can rest in Him'. How much I needed to hear that just then!!!

Thankfully, the Lord intervened and I am now able to start my radiotherapy tomorrow as scheduled. Pray that I would not have any more set backs so that I can make my flight on the 20th of April.