
25 September 2010

In my Quiet-times with the Lord, I have been reading my way through a song book (Mission Praise) and this morning I read the old hymn entitled 'All the way my Saviour leads me'. The first verse was such an encouragement to me that I want to share it with you.

All the way my Saviour leads me; what have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy, who through life has been my guide?
Heavenly peace, divinest comfort, here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know whate'er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well.


19 September 2010

This morning I attended the combined service of about 7 churches in the Assoc. of Baptist Churches in Ireland. These particular churches are from around the Munster area in the south of Ireland. How wonderful it is to meet up together and sing praises to our God and to sit under the teaching of God's Word. There were about 350-400 in attendance. The pastor read out the words to an old hymn - Hallelujah! What a Saviour! Thank you Lord for the reminder that Jesus is our wonderful Saviour!


13 September 2010

Today I go for my 2nd chemo treatment. This time I am more prepared for what to expect. On Friday I went to my wig stylist to get my wig. I have to admit when I first saw myself without any hair it was a bit of a shock and to be honest I didn't like it. But the wig is beautiful and I have had so many compliments that it has eased my discomfort. On Saturday morning I prayed that the Lord would help me be comfortable with seeing myself without any hair and He has graciously given me a comfortableness in doing just that. Thank you Lord!!

6 September 2010

This morning I noticed that my hair is beginning to come out. I have to say that I have a great peace in the midst of this knowledge. Since last Wednesday, the 10th day after the 1st chemo treatment, I have been watching and preparing myself for this. The verse in Matt 10 (vs30) has become very real to me - "And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." God knows each hair and He knows when they come out. He is walking right beside me in this 'new thing' I am facing. Thank you Lord for being with me!!


1 September 2010

I am so grateful that the Lord gave me a great day as I celebrated my birthday with friends (breakfast and dinner). And I am overwhelmed by the love and care shown to me by my family and friends through cards, gifts, texts and messages via Facebook and e-mail. This afternoon I also enjoyed spending time at the beach with my Heavenly Father. Thank you Lord!!