My energy levels have increased over the last week. I almost dread going in on Thursday, the 30th to have my 7th chemo, knowing that my energy level will go down again. It has been nice being able to get out and visit my co-workers over the Christmas holidays. Thankfully I will only have one more chemo after this next one.
There is a verse in one of my Christmas cards which reads "I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no saviour." (Isaiah 43:11). Thank you Lord for Jesus, the Saviour of the world!
25 December 2010
Happy Christmas to all!! I do miss being with my family back in the states for Christmas this year but I am looking forward to having dinner with my co-workers, the Scotts, later today. Last night I spent Christmas Eve with other co-workers as we remembered the birth of Jesus. I am so grateful for the 'family' the Lord has given to me here in Ireland.
22 December 2010
The sun is shining this morning and the sky is blue, even though it is bitterly cold outside. As I was doing some reading for my quiet time I found myself in Philippians. Chapter 4 verse 4 says "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Chuck Swindoll wrote that "Joy is a matter of attitude that stems from one's confidence in God---that He is at work, that He is in full control, that He is in the midst of whatever has happened, is happening, and will happen. How can I not rejoice in the Lord in the midst of what I am going through right now!!
19 December 2010
Thank you Lord for a good day! I woke up this morning after a good night's sleep and have not had to take any pain medication in order to eat (as I have been doing all week because the mouth ulcers returned). I was able eat dinner at one of my co-worker's homes and then came back and had a rest. I still get very weak and tired so I need to watch myself. The mouth ulcers are healing and I am now able to talk without pain. Tonight I am going to another co-worker's home to watch 'It's A Wonderful Life' together. It is nice being able to get out again, even though I am not driving as yet.
On Friday, I had a delightful surprise when the youth group came caroling to my house. It was very special and meant a lot to me. God is so good!!!
On Friday, I had a delightful surprise when the youth group came caroling to my house. It was very special and meant a lot to me. God is so good!!!
8 December 2010
My reaction to the new drug which was given on the 16th was not what I expected. I ended up having a several case of thrush and mouth ulcers which meant I had difficulty eating and drinking. My oncologist said this was 'unacceptable' and so has lowered the dosage of the chemo drug (just this past Monday, the 6th). I am taking preventative meds to help keep the thrush and mouth ulcers at bay. My hands and feet were also affected to the point of my hands and feet peeling from the reaction to the drug. I had difficulty walking because my heels hurt and my hands became swollen as did my toes. Thankfully I am doing much better with that and with the lower dosage of the chemo I will hopefully not have too much trouble this time. On the bright side I have only 2 more chemo treatments to go.
The Lord has provided great care for me through the lovely people of the Youghal Baptist Church. He has provided food, help with practical things such as hoovering, bringing in firewood, cleaning my bathrooms, etc. Thank you Lord!!
The Lord has provided great care for me through the lovely people of the Youghal Baptist Church. He has provided food, help with practical things such as hoovering, bringing in firewood, cleaning my bathrooms, etc. Thank you Lord!!
17 November 2010
It has been a while since I wrote something on my blog and I do apologise to those who like to keep up with what is happening on this journey. I did have a few rough weeks after my 3rd and 4th chemo treatments. On Monday I had my 5th one and because it and the next 3 are a different drug the side effects will be different. Thankfully one side effect which will be more minimal is feeling of sickness. I will have some flu-like pain but I have pain meds for that.
The Lord continues to bless me with good friends who send me notes of encouragement and care packages. Last Friday I received one from Claire who sent me a package filled with lip gloss, hand cream, a beautiful brooch with the word Faith on it and a delightful book of Bible trivia. Thank you Claire!! That afternoon I had a wonderful visit with Sharon who was over visiting her family from England. Sharon has gone through her own journey with breast cancer and is such a great encouragement.
Yes, God is good and everything He does is good!!
The Lord continues to bless me with good friends who send me notes of encouragement and care packages. Last Friday I received one from Claire who sent me a package filled with lip gloss, hand cream, a beautiful brooch with the word Faith on it and a delightful book of Bible trivia. Thank you Claire!! That afternoon I had a wonderful visit with Sharon who was over visiting her family from England. Sharon has gone through her own journey with breast cancer and is such a great encouragement.
Yes, God is good and everything He does is good!!
9 October 2010
It has been 5 days since my 3rd chemo treatment. I have been doing well with my treatments and the only days that I really feel unwell are toward the end of the first week. So as I type this I am feeling a bit unwell. Thankfully it only lasts for a few days. I still have enough energy to do what I love doing - being involved in ministry - although at a a slower pace and less involvement. Last night we had a benefit concert in the Mall Arts Centre by John Schmid (with Commom Ground Ministries - a prison ministry in the states) who did a 'A Tribute to Johnny Cash'. The funds raised were for 2 local worthy causes. Had a good turnout with good opportunities to meet people from the community. Thank you Lord for open doors!!
25 September 2010
In my Quiet-times with the Lord, I have been reading my way through a song book (Mission Praise) and this morning I read the old hymn entitled 'All the way my Saviour leads me'. The first verse was such an encouragement to me that I want to share it with you.
All the way my Saviour leads me; what have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy, who through life has been my guide?
Heavenly peace, divinest comfort, here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know whate'er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well.
All the way my Saviour leads me; what have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy, who through life has been my guide?
Heavenly peace, divinest comfort, here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know whate'er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well.
19 September 2010
This morning I attended the combined service of about 7 churches in the Assoc. of Baptist Churches in Ireland. These particular churches are from around the Munster area in the south of Ireland. How wonderful it is to meet up together and sing praises to our God and to sit under the teaching of God's Word. There were about 350-400 in attendance. The pastor read out the words to an old hymn - Hallelujah! What a Saviour! Thank you Lord for the reminder that Jesus is our wonderful Saviour!
13 September 2010
Today I go for my 2nd chemo treatment. This time I am more prepared for what to expect. On Friday I went to my wig stylist to get my wig. I have to admit when I first saw myself without any hair it was a bit of a shock and to be honest I didn't like it. But the wig is beautiful and I have had so many compliments that it has eased my discomfort. On Saturday morning I prayed that the Lord would help me be comfortable with seeing myself without any hair and He has graciously given me a comfortableness in doing just that. Thank you Lord!!
6 September 2010
This morning I noticed that my hair is beginning to come out. I have to say that I have a great peace in the midst of this knowledge. Since last Wednesday, the 10th day after the 1st chemo treatment, I have been watching and preparing myself for this. The verse in Matt 10 (vs30) has become very real to me - "And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." God knows each hair and He knows when they come out. He is walking right beside me in this 'new thing' I am facing. Thank you Lord for being with me!!
1 September 2010
I am so grateful that the Lord gave me a great day as I celebrated my birthday with friends (breakfast and dinner). And I am overwhelmed by the love and care shown to me by my family and friends through cards, gifts, texts and messages via Facebook and e-mail. This afternoon I also enjoyed spending time at the beach with my Heavenly Father. Thank you Lord!!
28 August 2010
One down and 7 to go!! It is now 6 days since I had my first chemo treatment on the 23rd of August. I was very well looked after by the staff at the South Infirmary including cups of tea. I felt fine during the first few days. Then on Friday I felt unwell all day, but thankfully this morning I feel good again. I am not sleeping well at night which is not unusual, but it doesn't help in feeling rested during the day. Pray that I would rest better at night. My next treatment is the 13th of September. Thank you praying!! God is good!!
21 July 2010
On the 11th of August I received a phone call from the South Infirmary Hospital. I will be starting my chemo treatments on the 23rd of August. At first I was disappointed because I was switched to a different hospital. Then I realised that God knew this and the best thing I could do was trust Him with it. The next day I received a phone call from a good friend who has just gone through what I am going through right now. The Lord used her to encourage me as she confirmed that I would receive excellent care at the the South Infirmary. I love the way our heavenly Father does these things for us.
10 August 2010

Today I found out that my chemo treatment will now be done at the South Infirmary Hospital instead of the Cork University Hospital. I was disappointed at first with this change as I was familiar with the oncology unit at the Cork University Hospital and felt comfortable with it. As I sit here typing this the Lord has reminded me that He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is also Sovereign and I need to trust Him with this. Thank you Lord for that reminder!!
29 July 2010
It has been over a week since I last posted something on my blog. The reason is that I have been spending time with my mother and my niece, who arrived on the 23rd for a 2 week visit. Since my diagnosis with breast cancer my mother has been anxious to see me in person and so the Lord worked it out for her to come to Ireland. Mary Ann, my niece, has always wanted to come and so was delighted when asked if she would accompany grandma to Ireland. It has been wonderful having them here!!
21 July 2010
This morning I had a wonderful chat with a very good friend, Sharon, who has already gone through chemo and radiotherapy. It is great having someone who understands what I am facing. Sharon is now cancer free for which we praise the Lord!! Tomorrow I have an appointment with a wig stylist. I have heard many encouraging comments re: wigs so I am beginning to feel a little better about losing my hair. There is a verse in Scripture which says that God knows every hair on our head. He also knows that I might be losing my hair, and with His help it will be ok!!
18 July 2010
Today was the first time I was able to go to church after my surgery. I really missed these times of fellowship with other believers and sitting under the teaching of the Word of God. One of the songs we sang spoke of the overwhelming love of God!! A love which goes beyond our understanding and a love which gave us the greatest gift ever - the gift of salvation from sin through Jesus. In these past few months I have experienced this love through others the Lord has used to bring me such encouragement. Thank you Lord!!
14 July 2010
Today I met with the oncologist. I am now beginning the next stage of my journey. In 4 weeks time I will be starting the first of 8 chemo sessions. This will be followed with 4-5 weeks of radiotherapy. In the next 4 weeks I will meeting with a wig stylist to come up with a wig that I can wear once I start losing my hair. This will take some getting used to, but I am working on it with the Lord's help.
9 July 2010
Yesterday I went back to the Breast Check Clinic to find out the results from the lab following the surgery. Praise the Lord it was good news!! Out of the 19 lymph nodes taken none were cancerous and the lab tests showed that there was no sign of cancer in the remaining breast tissue that was removed. God is soooo good!!! The next step is to meet with an oncologist to discuss the chemo treatment. Because of the size of the tumour taken out during the first surgery I will more than likely have chemo. I will also meet with a radiologist to discuss radiotherapy. Thank you all for praying!!
5 July 2010
I am sitting outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine (although I am sitting under the umbrella to protect myself from the sun). My friend, Melody, from Limerick is staying with me for a few days and looking after me. I am so grateful that this surgery is now behind me. God has been so good and provided just the right surgeon and anesthesiologist! Thank you for praying!!
hi; This is Nancy again.
Just to let you know that Jessie is have a great day. She feels well and her surgeon says everything went very well. Of course we wait on the lab work for final say. But everything went according to plan.
She will get home on Friday and will write on her own blog soon after. She again want to thank all of you for your prayers and let you know she is experiencing the peace that only God gives.
Just to let you know that Jessie is have a great day. She feels well and her surgeon says everything went very well. Of course we wait on the lab work for final say. But everything went according to plan.
She will get home on Friday and will write on her own blog soon after. She again want to thank all of you for your prayers and let you know she is experiencing the peace that only God gives.
This is Nancy. I am writing on behalf of Jessie. Her surgery went well. She went in for surgery at 5pm our time, and came back to her room at 8pm. She was wide awake and talking as they put her into her bed. As soon as the nurse came to take her stats she asked for tea and toast. But she was told to wait at least an hour. But that shows how well she is feeling. So she wants to thank all of you for praying. God has proven Himself strong on her behalf and we are all thankful. She will be writing on this blog as soon as she gets home from the hospital.
29 June 2010
Right now I am sitting here waiting for my turn to go to theatre. My surgery is scheduled for 3:30 pm. I have been fasting since midnight so I am really hungry. Will be glad when I can eat again. Nancy will be posting a entry whenever I get out of surgery. Thankfully I have a great peace in the midst of this that only comes from God!!
27 June 2010
I have a surgery date! After reviewing the MRI and the Ultrasound it has been decided to do another MRI in 6 months, which means that the mastectomy on the left side will now be done. I go in the hospital tomorrow (Monday) and the surgery will be done on Tuesday. My surgeon is doing it before he goes on his holidays in July. There was a possibility that I would have had to wait until after the middle of July for the surgery, but the Lord has moved up my date and so here we go. I am so grateful for all who are praying for me. The Lord has given me a great peace which only comes from Him. He is walking right along side of me!!
22 June 2010
Tomorrow I go in for the ultra sound. To be honest I am a bit tired of the testing and waiting on results. That is the human side of me. Spiritually I love the opportunity to get to know my Lord in a deeper way as I rely on His strength and experience the peace He gives. The prophet Isaiah wrote in chapter 26, verse 3 these words, "You will keep in perfect peace him [or her] whose mind is steadfast, because he [or she] trusts in you." Thank you Lord, that I am able to trust you with my life!!
14 June 2010
Today I talked by phone with Paula, my personal nurse at the Breast Check Clinic. She told me that on Thursday the specialists are meeting together re: the MRI scan. From what she saw on the scan which arrived while we were on the phone the first time (talked several times to her today) she said it looked good, except for a benign area. Paula had also talked with my surgeon and he said I might need an ultra sound just to be sure which hopefully I''ll have by the end of the week. I felt much better after my conversation with Paula. She was so encouraging! Today was a good day! Thank you Lord!!
11 June 2010
My goal is to update my blog every few days, so hopefully I will be able to do that. There is still no news regarding the MRI scan which I had on the 8th. I'm praying that I might hear soon and that the news would be good. I am ready to get on with the surgery and the treatments which will follow. These have been some of the hardest days as I face uncertainty. Thankfully we have a great God in whom we can trust and who knows all things. Thank you for your comments as they have been such an encouragement to me.
7 June 2010
Welcome to Jessie's Journal! This is my first posting on my blog which I have set up to help me on my journey with breast cancer. For those who don't know on the 19th of May I had surgery to remove a cancerous tumour on my left side and when the lab report came back it showed that I have a second cancer as well. I will now be having a mastectomy, but prior to the surgery my surgeon wants to make sure there is nothing on the right side. Tomorrow I am having an MRI scan which hopefully will show there is nothing there. My prayer is that it will be clear. I am learning day by day that my Heavenly Father loves me so much and that He cares for me more than anyone ever could. I love the idea (which is found in Scripture) of Him being a gentle Shepherd holding His lamb close to His Heart.
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